sartes wrote in getithere Aug 21, 2012 08:27
toppy!justin, voyeur or other pov, download: aly's fic fldr backup@sidebar, dead link, author: angelus, 3-some/4-some/more-some, b/j with a trick
yanca_lin wrote in getithere Jul 04, 2009 17:35
author: suzvoy, author: wrenlet aka wrenscribbles, author: paul plesko, recs: amelialourdes' lists, author: britin aka strongatheart, author: thyme aka oasis, author: xie_xie_xie, author: inner_justin aka nyrak20, author: strongatheart aka britin, author: crazyevildru, author: angelus, author: blissink, author: emodetron/thghtlsscmng/erin, author: elyxer, author: vamphile aka epicallytired, comm: qaf_retread, author: littletwat, author: bdeviled, author: miss miko, author: comedownstairs aka jaded_optimis, author: yoursweater, author: msjudi aka phobosgirl, author: mouse, author: dontyouwaitup aka winterweathere, author: sapphire aka sapphire3, author: soundczech/themagichour/starla, author: sparkledark aka rachel anton, author: alantie aka _meansfallen, author: blaurosen, author: rachel anton aka sparkledark, author: dopplegangerqaf, delicious links, recs: personal rec lists, author: severina2001
kari_hermione wrote in getithere May 28, 2009 20:01
brandon, custody fic, anti-mel, author: kaite aka qafkaite, gus fic, gus, author: angelus, gus is a teenager, gus is gay or bi, author: emodetron/thghtlsscmng/erin, author: myrna, author: sydneyalexis, family: mel-linds-gus-jr, anti-mel and linds, author: dopplegangerqaf
sodoesrachael wrote in getithere Sep 04, 2008 19:32
author: mandagrammy, author: allie_quixotic, gus, author: thyme aka oasis, author: hollyilex, author: inner_justin aka nyrak20, gus lives w/ brian and justin, author: sonofabiscuit77, author: freakykat aka katherine cruz, author: ryosato, brian bonds with gus, gus fic, gus is a teenager, author: angelus, author: mickiebg, author: emodetron/thghtlsscmng/erin, author: myrna, author: sydneyalexis, author: dopplegangerqaf, author: pfyre
fraserette wrote in getithere Jun 23, 2008 12:56
author: allie_quixotic, author: suzvoy, daddy fic, gus, author: thyme aka oasis, gus is gay or bi, author: rhiannonhero aka rhihero_fic, author: seanmegansean fic index, author: sun, gus runs away, author: freakykat aka katherine cruz, gus is kidnapped, author: angelus, author: jans_intentions, author: emodetron/thghtlsscmng/erin, author: myrna, author: trishwish aka trishwish_fic, author: faramirhaldir, author: shadownyc, author: hollyilex, author: moonshadow woman aka elsa rose, gus fic, gus is a teenager, dead link, author: og walton, author: stephmck aka such_a_steph, author: mickiebg, challenge: the problem with brandon, author: dopplegangerqaf, gus hates or dislikes justin, author: randall aka randall morgan, delicious links